Tellis Catalog Control
Løsningen giver brugerne mulighed for at administrere e-kataloger via brugervenlige katalogregler – med minimumskrav til de modtagne kataloger. Dette sikrer, at leverandøren lever op til de aftalte vilkår omkring e-kataloger. Kravene kan tilrettes på leverandør niveau for derved at tilgodese forskellige krav leverandørerne imellem.
Overview • Automations • Accurate Pricing • Product Relationships • Latest Standards
Economic Gains to Be Achieved
There are economic gains to be made when items are added to the cart that are covered by agreements.
Purchasing a contracted item also ensures that the procurement aligns with the organization’s policy priorities regarding quality and sustainability requirements.
Additionally, there are time and resource savings when shopping online compared to buying via email, phone, or in a physical store. This frees up time for primary professional tasks.